Sunday, October 7, 2007

Salerno Family first time blog!!

Well, here we go! My Salerno family consists of me(Angie-Mom), Mike(Dad), Gage(16), Tori(10), Hali(3), Alexis(7 mo), and Sadie(our yorkie). Yes, at times we have a houseful of chaos. Teenagers and infants together make for an interesting and busy life!
Let me tell you how this all got started...... I being a lonely single girl in Idaho visitied my sister in Utah frequently. One quiet weekend night she decided to help me set up an account on! Yes, I set up a singles add on the internet(I must have been desperate)! Actually I think my sister was desperate to get me out of her house! From this stemmed many interesting and fun interactions with other single boys, or men, whatever you decide they are. After several dates and one or two heartbreaks I started receiving messages from this guy, "once bitten twice shy". Ya, I thought he was cute and funny, but I was skeptical. We talked back and forth via email for a while, and then decided to talk on the phone. Our first conversation went well, and we decided to try to meet up. This took several weeks because of me living in Idaho and he living in Utah. We finally arranged to meet on October 31st. Yes, that is Halloween. We met at my sisters in Utah and went trick or treating with the kids. It was alot of fun. I noticed how good he was with children right off. We then broke off from my family and decided to go to a movie......what else but a scary movie! I think he was dissapointed that I wasn't scared and hanging on to him with my fright. I was dissapointed because half way through the movie I looked over and he had fallen asleep..... Great! (To this day it is my favorite thing to tease him about). Anyway, I woke him up and he said, "I think I almost fell asleep!" Yea... almost! We went back to my sisters and her being in the middle of moving into a new house and remodeling was still up. My sister mentioned how she was going to start painting the family room the next day. Mike said hey, I have a ton of painting stuff I can bring if you want. Of course she said sure. Free help... who wouldn't say yes! Well, Mike showed up the next morning at 7:30 am with OJ, donuts, and paint supplies. I think my dad was the only one up! No we are not early morning people! My dad was impressed though. I hurried and got up and got dressed and we spent the rest of the day working away!!!
Okay the next time I saw Mike was the next night when he decided to drive to Idaho in the middle of the night to come and visit me at work. He showed up with flowers in hand! Ya, he knew how to impress me!
From then on we grew close fast and we were married the following April. We took a wonderful honeymoon to Kuai, and then returned to live in Layton, UT.
I now work in the ICU at Davis Hospital. Mike works for America First Credit Union where he has been for 15 years. Ya, that makes him sound OLD!!!
Our children keep us extremely busy and tired!! Mike has two children from his first marriage. Gage age 16, and Victoria(Tori) age 10. Together we have Hali age 3, and Alexis age 7 months. Three girls and one boy! What a great combination....Dad is way outnumbered!
OK, that is the basics of our family. Stay tuned for updates.