Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here I Go!!

This is me outside the building where most of my classes will be!

I started school again last week. Can I say it's going to be a long 27 months!! I go to class four days a week. I have Friday's off from school, but am going to be working Fri and Sat nights for now. I am definitely way to old for this! I have realized how much easier school was when I didn't have children. I am going to have to learn how to manage my time better, and study after the kids are in bed. It is impossible, and I mean impossible to get any studying time when they are awake. Not only are they all over me, begging for my time. I just plain feel guilty not spending time with them. I already have to leave them at the babysitter (Who is awesome!! Thank goodness!) all day, I don't want to ignore them at night to....... This is going to be really hard!
Now for the positive. I actually enjoy learning, although I hate tests! My classmates are all awesome and fun to hang out with! We will be in all the same classes together for the next year until we start clinicals, so it is a good thing we all get along!! I am happy to say I am not the youngest or the oldest in the class. We have 15 in our class, several from WA, one from Arkansas, one from South Dakota, one from Wyoming, one from Idaho, one from Oregon, one from New Mexico, and couple (including me) from Utah. It is a good diversity. Here's to hoping my next two years go by smooth and I invite you all to my huge party in DEC 2011 when I graduate and become a CRNA!!!!

p.s. I will take any prayers that you will send my way!!