Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One Month Down and Three to Go!

Well life in El Paso is well.... o.k. I have settled in to the routine at the hospital and have found myself able to enjoy some of the mexican food!
I was able to go home on January 18th and stay until the 27th. It was so good to be home and seem my family and kiss my girls. I was so excited as I saw the lights of SLC as the plane started to make its decent. I honestly start to cry from excitement!! As we pulled up to the gate I couldn't get off that plane fast enough! It was so awesome to see my girls come running towards me as I came past the security (even though they had crazy hair and were in their jammies)!
I pretty much hung out with them for the whole week at home and enjoyed doing absolutely nothing! Mikes birthday was on the 19th so I got all the family together for dinner and had a great time.
I am glad to admit that coming back to El Paso was much easier than I thought it would be. I haven't cried near as much and have felt a lot less anxious about having my girls at home without me. I think that when I was home for the week I realized how well they are being taken care of. I am so thankful for my husband and all that he does for our girls!
I am looking forward to Mike coming to visit on Friday and then I will be going home on the 15th for a week!