Christmas morning was a little different than what we are used to. It was our first Christmas morning not having Grandma and Grandpa Weighall here to watch the girls open presents. We normally wake them up super early so Grandma and Grandpa can watch them open presents and then make it to Steph's house before her kiddo's are up. It was kinda quiet without them there.
So since I didn't have to wake the girls early, I didn't do my traditional wake them up with the camera flash! Alexis came into our room around 9:00 and then went and woke Hali up.
This is what they saw when they came around the corner into the family room!
Santa even ate some of the sugar cookies and drank some milk!
The girls were very excited about their new Barbie house, but immediately wanted to start digging in to their stockings to see what "little treasures" santa had left them.
After all the presents were opened the girls had a little breakfast and then we headed upstairs to get ready for Gage, Tori, Grandma Kathy, and Grandpa Gary to come over for round two of Christmas!
We all enjoyed opening presents again!
Alexis absolutely loved her snow white doll from grandma and grandpa!
Gage also loved his new fishing pole from Mike and I!
Tori got a new camera from Mike and I and this adorable hat that Grandma Kathy made! Doesn't she look cute!
The little girls of course made grandma play barbies with them! I admit I played with them also!
After we cleaned up mess number two, we waited... and waited... and waited for round three. My family, Steph and Travis, Kylee, Braeden, Madison, Colson, Grandma Net, Grandpa Steve, and Uncle Brent finally showed up around 6:00. We ate some dinner and then opened presents from each other.
I don't have any pictures from this round of Christmas. Steph used her camera so I will have to get them from her. It was total craziness with a million presents and paper strung all over! The kids had a blast as always!
I do have this cute picture of my mom's dog Ruptcy though!

Stephanie got her kids into their pajamas and was getting everything ready to go. When she went to look for Madison this is what she found:
Madison and Lexi had crawled in her bed and were watching a movie together. Madison said, "I am sleeping over"! Seriously the cutest thing ever! Unfortunately her parents took her to their car kicking and screaming! I hope these two will grow up to be the best of cousins ever! They are only six weeks apart after all and share half the same DNA!
So once again all the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over. My girls are another year older, and so am I.....bummer! I hope that they will always remember the love that I have for them and the reason for the season as it comes around each year!