Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008

This is the first year since 2005 that we have not hosted Thanksgiving at our house. It was also the first year I have not worked on the night before Thanksgiving!! So, I am thankful for many things....

I am thankful for:

My wonderful loving family.

My beautiful, healthy girls.

My wonderful stepchildren.

My great husband.

My Dog, Sadie.

My beautiful home.

My job.

My health.

Lower gas prices!!!

Transportation so I can easily visit my family.

Internet so I can keep in touch.

Cartoons to keep the girls entertained so I can blog!

In general I am thankful for everything in my life!!



Hali with her chocolate milk and Dad with sparklin grape juice!!

Me and my girls!!!!!

Alexis waiting for dinner!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


We had an awesome time on Halloween. We started trick or treating at 1230.... Yes this made for a very long day!!! Suprisingly the girls were excellent. Our first stop was at Mike's work, then we were off to Grandma Kathy's. I think by now the girls had already had enough candy..... Can we say sugar high!!! Alexis thought she needed to eat every piece she got along with the wrappers!!
We then went home and picked up Mike and headed to SLC to go trick or treating with my sister at the mall. The girls loved being able to parade around in their butterfly costumes and say "trick or treat". We ate dinner at the mall and then head to do some neighborhood trick or treating. Alexis did not want to stop!! She was a pro by the end of the night. Hali started singing this little tune, "Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat. If you don't I don't care we'll just to the next house!" I am no sure if that was cute or not!! We went home exhausted, but the good news is..... Hali is already talking about "next" halloween!!

Alexis getting a little help from Grandma "Net"

Daddy's little butterfly angels!!

Time for the next house!

Alexis on the Merry Go Round at the mall

Hali on the Merry Go Round.

This is how Alexis was "allowed" to trick or treat in the mall.

Trick or treating at the mall.

Trick or treating at Grandma Kathy's.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hali and Alexis are the best of friends and the best of enemies!!! They are typical sisters who love to play together , but also love to fight over toys. Alexis' favorite word at the moment is "mine". I hope that they will outgrow this and someday be best as good as friends ad me and my sister are!! I have posted several random pictures of the two of them together over the last year to catch up! Hali is now almost 5 and alexis is 20 months.
Our first Valentines together 2008!!

Going for a spin around the driveway with our puppy!!


Hows the ice cream?

Trick or treating together at Dad's work 2007.

Carving pumpkins together Halloween 2007.

How do they look?
We both "LOVE" ranch dressing!!!!

First 'official' picture together April 2007

Climbing on mars together is tough work!

Everyone say CHEESE!!!!

Hali loves to have "her" picture taken... only when I am taking one of Lexi of course!

We have the same Christmas Pajamas!

We are typical girls that like to look in the mirror!!!!

We like to make "hup"cakes together!!!

We share our toys (sometimes)!!

I love kisses from my sister!!!
Can Lexi watch TV in my room?

Lexi and big sister, Tori, watch the fireworks. 4th of July 2007

My girls enjoying their chocolate milk and cartoons!

The girls sharing a little dessert at Sweet Tomatoes.

Mike and his brother Mark with the same awesome hair do.....hmmmm.......!!

Mike and I hanging out on a Saturday night !!