Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day to all the great dad's in our lives!


We had a great day yesterday. We decided to go for dinner at my Grandma and Grandpa's house in Soda Springs. We spent a about 6 hours in the car yesterday. On the way to Soda I curled up in the back seat to sleep and "let" Tori entertain the girls. (I worked the night before and hadn't been to sleep for almost 24 hours.) Thanks Tori! She is an awesome big sister!
We enjoyed spending time with Grandpa Shuler for father's day and ate some of Grandma's yummy spare ribs. Hali said the prayer with the "usual" words for a blessing, but she added at the end, "And don't forget to bless the tomatoes." Now the funniest part about this is we didn't have any tomatoes on the table. Grandma Shuler decided she better get Hali a tomato. When she brought it to the table Hali said, "See good thing I blessed them in the garden, that is a perfectly grown tomato!" She says some of the funniest and cutest things.
My aunt (Karen) asked if I was writing these things down. I haven't written much down, so I am going to start using the blog to archive her little "thoughts". I am sure I will cherish these someday as her words won't always be so "cute" as she turns into a teenager!!
Back to father's day..... Thanks Mike for being such an awesome Dad to our kids. He is more than just a father, he is a Dad. I think anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a DAD!


Here are some pics from the ride home from Soda Springs!

Look closely in the bacground to see me passed out!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

We love our cousin!

It is so fun having a great niece like Kylee! She is so cute with my girls. This is what I caught her doing last night when they had a sleep over together!

Thanks Kylee for being a good cousin and friend!

Ice Cream Party!!

We decided to hang out at Aunt "Ni Ni's" on Saturday night while Mike hung out with his friends. Kylee and I decided it was a great time for an ice cream party and a movie. So went to the store and came home with all kinds of goodies to make banana splits. Nothing like ice cream at 10:oo at night to get the kids wound up! (Sorry Aunt "Ni Ni"!)

Hali of course "loved" the whip cream and ate her mountain and nothing else.

Alexis, of course, ate everything in her bowl! (Most of it with her hands!)

Madison enjoyed her ice cream and new sippy cup with Mickey Mouse on it!

Braeden sipped his ice cream through his whole in his teeth!

And Kylee was just cute!

After the ice cream party we watched a movie and stayed up until after midnight! It was a great night!

Pictures from a childs point of view

Saturday night Hali and Braeden got a hold of my camera and this is what was "interesting" to them to take pictures of!

I wish I thought the world as exciting as my kids!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Random pictures and activities of the last couple weeks!

We have had a very busy last few weeks! Thanks everyone for keeping us entertained!!

We spent time at Tori's school for her sixth grade play.

We celebrated Gage's graduation from Bonneville High School! Yea Gage!!

By the way Mike wore these same colors when he graduated from this same high school 20 years ago!

We went to Tori's sixth grade graduation.

(pictures are coming!)

We went to the swimming pool twice!

We visited with Grandma and Grandpa Shuler and Aunt Karen!

We celebrated Grandma Net's birthday!

We played dress up with our sister.

And best of all.... We still took time to smell the flowers!