Lexi was so excited to start school. Every morning since we took Hali to her fist day Lexi has been asking me when she would go to "her school".
I had a harder time dropping Lexi off to preschool then I did with Hali. I think there is something to the last child syndrome and not wanting them to grow up so fast.
So even though I had a hard time, Lexi had no problem at all. She walked right in and put her backpack and jacket on the hook and took off towards the toys.
As you can tell from the wallpaper in the background the preschool Alexis is going to is a little on the older side... Gage who is 19 actually went here as a preschooler and they obviously have not changed the decor in at least that long.
Lexi's "best friend", Danny got to school shortly after us and they were so excited to see each other. Absolutely Adorable!
Danny is actually the daughter of Mike's best friend from high school Tyson Hunter. I hope these girls stay best friends for a long time!
Me and Lex posing for the camera! It kind seems like just yesterday that I was going to preschool myself.
Alexis being adorable when I asked her to pose for the camera.
UPDATE...... since I am super late posting this blog I will catch you up on Alexis. She did so great for the first couple weeks of school and had no problem being dropped off, but then a couple weeks into school she decided she didn't like being there and wanted to stay home with mom. I of course love the fact that she wants to spend time with me, but we had to fix this. So with lots of talking, I figured out that she was just going through a little hard time with all the changes at home. I have started going to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning and daddy gets her ready and I don't see her until after school.
It only took her another two times at school, before she was fine again. I am so glad children are so resistant to changes. I wish that I could be as resistant as they are. I am also so thankful for all the help that Mike gives and for my great babysitter who loves the girls like they are her own, thanks Jenny!
1 comment:
She is so adorable!! I love her hair and I, too, love how resilient kids are. They just amaze me.
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