Monday, December 29, 2008



( We took this picture outside Rodizios on Christmas Eve.... Can you see the Christmas joy in all of their eyes? The three on the left are my girls...Hali, Tori, and Lexi. On the right are my sisters three....Madison, Kylee, Braeden. )

We spent Christmas eve in SLC with my sister and her children. We went to the movie at 2:30 and then hung out at my sisters until it was time for dinner. My mom, brother, sister, brother-in-law(and his parents), me, mike, and our girls all went to Rodizio Grill for dinner. It was really good and I think we all ate to much!!!

After dinner we headed home to open the girls Christmas Eve presents and go to bed to wait for Santa to come!!

Alexis and Hali got matching Christmas Jammies.... so cute. Although, they wouldn't sit so "cute for the picture!" Thank goodness it is time to go to bed so Santa can come!

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