Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thanks Mike!!

Mike went to San Diego last week for work and he brought us all home a wonderful gift...... the gift of being sick! He is so thoughtful! On Sunday Mike expressed that he thought maybe he was getting a cold. He also mentioned that all the guys in San Diego had the crud so he went to the store to buy every cold medicine he could think of to try and fight it off.... nice try! By Tues morning he was really feeling it and went in to see the Dr. He was sent home with antibiotics, cough medicine and prednisone. The "BUG" then proceeded to hit the rest of us by Wednesday. Hali woke up crying that her legs and throat hurt. I woke with a cough and sore throat and Lexi woke with a smile, but a cough. So Mike went to work and me and the girls headed to the doctor. Hali had 102.5 temp., Lexi 101.0 temp, and me only 98.9 (I have to admit... I had started myself on antibiotics the night before so I already had a round of antibiotics in!). Our Dr. is so great and patient, even when Hali cried just having her temperature taken. Who would have thought "my" daughter would be so afraid of anything medical..... Anyway, we all went home and loaded up on antibiotics and good cough medicine. Mike and I did have to hold the girls down to get the meds in, but we got it done! Finally today Hali is taking her antibiotics like a big girl as long as she can have her chocolate milk afterwards!!! Hali did say, "Mom chocolate milk fixes everything!"
Now we are to Friday and the girls woke up feeling great....mommy on the other hand needed another day to rest from being sick plus taking care of sick girls!! Oh well, no chance for that! Time to go to my three nights of work taking care of sick patients at the hospital!!!
Thank goodness I have an awesome husband who can pick up where I left off. Thanks, Mike.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Big sis IS a good example!!

Just a quick note to remind me that my girls aren't always naughty!!!! The girls decided they wanted a little 'snack' before bed. What better for them than Cocoa Pebbles at 8:00 at night!
Hali got done and placed her bowl in the sink like a good girl. I then proceeded to get Lexi down from the highchair. I tried to take her bowel away and she said "no mine". I of course instantly thought "she is such a stinker".......... So I let her hold the bowel and got her down from the high chair. To my surprise she walked over to the sink and (on her 'tippie' toes of course) threw her bowel and spoon in the sink!!! It's nice to see that your kids can learn good things from their older siblings also!! So thanks Hali for being a good big Sister!

Again not so Sweet and Innocent!

My little Angel has done it again!! Grandma watched the girls for a while, and this is how Alexis thanked her!!!!Grandma said that not only was there marker on the furniture, but also the walls, bedspread, carpet, and Hali.... hmm how did that happen? Grandma asked Hali why she didn't come get her and Hali said, "I didn't want you to get mad!" My guess is Hali was glued to the tv watching cartoons and didn't even notice... hence the marker on Hali! Thank goodness it was a washable marker and almost all of it came out!

Hopefully something good comes out of this "creativeness" and these are her first "art works"!