Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Again not so Sweet and Innocent!

My little Angel has done it again!! Grandma watched the girls for a while, and this is how Alexis thanked her!!!!Grandma said that not only was there marker on the furniture, but also the walls, bedspread, carpet, and Hali.... hmm how did that happen? Grandma asked Hali why she didn't come get her and Hali said, "I didn't want you to get mad!" My guess is Hali was glued to the tv watching cartoons and didn't even notice... hence the marker on Hali! Thank goodness it was a washable marker and almost all of it came out!

Hopefully something good comes out of this "creativeness" and these are her first "art works"!


Jocelyn said...

My heart is palpitating just looking at those pictures!!!

I will totally agree that Chloe wouldn't even notice if someone was drawing on her while she was watching tv. It's like a drug to her!!

I'm glad you were able to get most of it out!!

Amy said...

That is one of those moments that you need to walk away for about 30 minutes and do some deep breathing and then come back in. We had that experience at my house and my nephew with a dry erase marker...those do not come out. "Thankfully" it was only on the wall so we just had to repaint...delightful kids!!

BarlowFamily said...

And Thankfully Aunt Ni Ni come over to rescue Grandma before she went crazy figuring out how to get it off! It's a good things those girls are so dang cute! (they must take after their Aunt!)

Nathan, Sheri, Lucy and Clara said...

Wait a minute #1 question is...where was Grandma? I'd definitely blame her. : )