Friday, January 23, 2009



So this is my little "Angel" Alexis who is almost two and already full of the "terrible two's"! You can't turn your back for a second without her getting into something she shouldn't have, writing on something, or climbing on something.

This time she somehow got into the pantry and got the whole bowl of left over candy from Christmas.... I came around the corner in the kitchen and found her SITTING quietly like this way! She looked up at me and said umm... treat!! So "sweet" and "innocent" isn't she!!


1 comment:

Nathan, Sheri, Lucy and Clara said...

I swear you staged that...look at her pants and her ponytails with the candy on them. Perhaps you need to stop encouraging this obsession with candy. Have her wear carrot pants or green bean pony tails. hee hee hee What a cute little stinker. : )