Sunday, January 4, 2009


I hope everyone had a happy new year. I spent the night at work and didn't even notice that midnight had come!!! The girls were able to go with Grandma 'Net to see Grandma and Grandpa Shuler in Soda Springs. Hali enjoyed our old family tradition of banging pans at midnight with Grandma. Mike and I headed to Soda on New Years day to have dinner with the family. It always awesome to be able to see my grandparents. We then came back to Utah that night. Me and the girls (including Sadie) slept the whole way home. Thank goodness Mike can drive for hours!!

As far as New Year's resolutions go I am going to be like everyone else and vow to get in shape!


wayzata said...

Very cute blog and I love the pictures of your girls! I was so nice to see you, Mike and girls at mom and dad's house on New Year's Day.

wayzata said...

It was so nice, not I was so nice.