Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Big sis IS a good example!!

Just a quick note to remind me that my girls aren't always naughty!!!! The girls decided they wanted a little 'snack' before bed. What better for them than Cocoa Pebbles at 8:00 at night!
Hali got done and placed her bowl in the sink like a good girl. I then proceeded to get Lexi down from the highchair. I tried to take her bowel away and she said "no mine". I of course instantly thought "she is such a stinker".......... So I let her hold the bowel and got her down from the high chair. To my surprise she walked over to the sink and (on her 'tippie' toes of course) threw her bowel and spoon in the sink!!! It's nice to see that your kids can learn good things from their older siblings also!! So thanks Hali for being a good big Sister!

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