Friday, April 17, 2009

Do you ever have one of these days?


This is Lexi after we dropped Hali off for preschool. This is what she did from the moment I "took" her away from the school.... to the car... in her car seat on the way home.... and once inside the house. She is standing by the door trying to back in the garage. (by the way, I had to use the dead bolt to keep her in!) If you can't understand what she is saying in this clip from my phone..... She is saying, "No, go Bye-Bye." I had to take a video, because after fifteen minutes it was a little hilarious.

So Lexi, here is to future blackmail. I am saving this one for you!



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter 2009


We had a great Easter weekend! Our first Easter event was on Saturday at the church. Our ward had a wonderful breakfast and easter egg hunt! The girls had a good time running around with the other kids.

When we got home Dad boiled eggs while Mom ran to the store to get "a few things" without the girls in towe. I think Mike called me twice in the two hours that I was gone wanting to know what time I would be home. The girls were driving him crazy with excitement about dying easter eggs. So the minute I got home we pulled out the dye and suprisingly made some beautiful died eggs without a huge mess!

Look closely in the pictures below and you will see "Lexi's" egg and "Hali's" egg.

Do you see it?



Easter morning the girls got up around 8:30 and we headed down to see what the easter bunny had brought. Hali and Alexis were very pleased with the goodies they scored!

Hali and Alexis were busy trying on their new sunglasses when Lexi all of a sudden spotted a hidden easter egg under the couch.......

After the girls were done with their easter egg hunt we got ready and headed to Grandma's to go to church. I being forgetful didn't get any pictures of the girls in their cute dresses.... but trust me they looked adorable!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thank You and Pay it Forward

The other day Mike and I had taken the girls to eat at Garcias for lunch. We were sitting there eating our lunch and enjoying each other. Then a man comes and puts his hand on Mike's shoulder as he put something on our table and says "Have lunch on us". Mike and I both looked down at the table as the man and his wife were walking away and realized he had left us more than enough money to pay for our lunch! I don't know who this man was, but we are thankful for his kindness. This is not something that is done very often.... especially with all the economic hardships.
So thank you to this wonderful person who made our day!!! It is now our turn to pay it forward and do the same for someone else. I will definitely always remember this person and his unselfish gesture.