Friday, April 10, 2009

Thank You and Pay it Forward

The other day Mike and I had taken the girls to eat at Garcias for lunch. We were sitting there eating our lunch and enjoying each other. Then a man comes and puts his hand on Mike's shoulder as he put something on our table and says "Have lunch on us". Mike and I both looked down at the table as the man and his wife were walking away and realized he had left us more than enough money to pay for our lunch! I don't know who this man was, but we are thankful for his kindness. This is not something that is done very often.... especially with all the economic hardships.
So thank you to this wonderful person who made our day!!! It is now our turn to pay it forward and do the same for someone else. I will definitely always remember this person and his unselfish gesture.


Amy said...

WOW! That is something that does not happen very often. It has happened twice to us and it really makes your usually happens right when you need a little pick me up.

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

That is so nice! I can't believe someone would do that.

Nathan, Sheri, Lucy and Clara said...

Wow--how cool! This has never happened to us. Were you talking loudly about how you could barely afford lunch or something?? hee hee

Seriously, that's really neat. You'll have to report on how it goes when you decide to do it.