Thursday, March 26, 2009

Every once in a while you get a suprise!

Yesterday as we were getting ready for preschool I asked Hali to go pick up her room. She of course asked,

"Mom can you help?"

I replied, "No that I had to hurry and put my makeup on so I could get her to school on time."

Now let me tell you that normally she would reply with, "But, my arms are to tired, or I'm not big enough." So I fully expected her to go in her room and just play. I finished getting ready and then went in to Hali's room to get her some shoes and this is what I found!

She had not only picked up her toys and dress up clothes, but she had made her bed! Pretty impressive on how well she did. She even got all the pillows right (not even Mike can always do that!)
So thanks to my BIG GIRL for being such a good helper and obeying Mommy!!