Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July 2009

We had an awesome Fourth of July!! We decided to "skip" the parade this year as we knew we would have the girls up really late at the Stadium of Fire. We got to Provo around 1:00 or so and hung out at the Freedom Festival in the park. There was a lot of cool stuff going on there. We didn't stay for to long though, because Tori had heard on the radio that if you were on the west side of the stadium at 5:30 you could win a backstage pass to the Jonas Brothers. We got there on time, but unfortunately she didn't win......

Oh well! So we kicked back on the steps of the stadium until they let us take our seats.

"Some" of us were "Not happy Not" waiting in the sun!

Once we made it in we met up with my sister and her family!

(Take note this is the first time her hair has ever looked blonder than mine! She must have been spending more time in the sun, "Salon" than me!)

Me and two of my girls!

The show started out with four F-16's flying over from Hill Air Force Bace. We actually see these fly over our house in Layton quite frequently.

There were also two Apache (I think) helicopters from the base that flew over!

Mike loving his little girl!

We didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. Mike was busy using the camera to take pictures of the show. I forgot to bring "MY" camera in with me. I promise I won't forget it next time!

The main highlight of the show of course was the Jonas Brothers. When the Jo Bro's came on stage every girl in the audience screamed!! I think I even let out a few screams myself. (Of course .... I was only supporting my girls!) They were really good. Of course the girls didn't they it lasted long enough, but by this time it was almost 10:30 and we still had a firework show to see.

This me and Hali dancing to "Sweet Caroline".

Not the best picture, but the only one of me and my girls.

The firework show was the best one I think I have ever seen. The girls loved them. Hali and Lexi's eyes were fixed on them the whole time. It was definately a spectacular show.

Once we were in the car and on the way home Hali said to me, "Mom this was the best fourth of July ever!"

What an awesome day!

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