Friday, July 3, 2009

Hali lately

Hali ,as most of us know, always has alot to say. So here are a few of her latest comments....

We had been swimming and went back to grandma's to take a shower. I came out of the bathroom with a towel on my head.... Hali came in the room looked at me and said, "Where's my Mom?" I looked at her and said, "what?" She again repeated, "where's my mom?" I said, "Hali I am your mom. She just looked at me and said, "Oh!" then she walked off. This of course is hilarious since I am a twin. I believe this is the first time she has every truly confused me with my sister!

Today as we were driving in the car discussing what we were doing for the fourth. Mike said I am not to "hip" on going to the parade. Hali immediately said, "There are hippos in the parade?"

My other favorite is when Hali tells you a joke she will ask you if you think it's funny. I always reply yes. Hali's usual reply back is, "Then why aren't you laughing?"

I love this little girl!!

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