Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Just to let you know that Hali's class found the gingerbread man today! Thank goodness, because we had one to many traps around our house!! Hali had another great day.
Hali Annette Salerno's First Day of Kindergarten!!

August 17Th, 2009

Today was Hali's "official" first day of kindergarten. She went to school today from 0840 to 1140. It doesn't seem like much time, but today it was to me..... It felt like I was home for a long time before I was able to go pick her up. I am almost... OK 100% positive she didn't feel the same way as I did while she was at school!

Like a true little sisters Alexis said "me to" and got her "pack-pack" on to take a picture. Notice that she is also the one holding Sadie..... poor little dog!

Me and my "baby girl"! Can you tell Hal Bug hates to have the sun in her eyes.

(FYI, that is not a real tattoo on my arm!)

Hali showing off her pink backpack before we got in the car.

I think she looks way to "grown up" in this outfit, but dang cute!

This bench is in front of the school. We had to try three different spots before we found one that the sun wasn't in her eyes.

Waiting by the kindergarten door with some of the other kiddos! Oh, and don't forget little sis!

Hali hanging up her back pack in Mrs. Wangberg's room!

Each morning the kids find their name and what color square they are supposed to sit on. Obviously today Hali's was orange!!

Hali had an awesome day. When I picked her up from school she was on cloud nine!!

They had a little "game" of finding the gingerbread man at school. He was in the kitchen and somehow came to life! The kids got to learn about the school as they "searched" for the gingerbread man. The only problem was they didn't find him today.

So of course the first thing Hali told me when she got in the car was, "Mom the kitchen made a gingerbread man and he came to life and ran away and now we can't find him. We need to go right home and look for him in our house..... maybe he's on my shelf, maybe he's under my bed, maybe he's in your closet......etc. etc....

I don't think she could talk any faster as she was telling me the story! Hali also called Grandma, and Dad to tell them, "Tell all the people at your work to look for the gingerbread man, make sure and tell them to keep their eye's peeled!" Hali also said to Grandma, "Grandma, I'm serious you need to tell them.... Do I sound serious?""

As you probably already guessed we spent the rest of the day looking for the gingerbread man. Hali even made a couple traps for him. She also suggested making a girl gingerbread man that he would see and want to marry!

I love this little girl and her imagination. What an awesome first day of kindergarten for my little Hal Bug!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hali is officially in Kindergarten!!

I have to start this post out with the funny thing Hali said last night.

Hali had gotten out of the tub and gotten dressed without me putting medicine on her cute little bum cheek (she has eczema). So this is how it went.

Me: Hali come over here I forgot to put medicine on your bum...

Hali: Geese, could this night get any "worser", now I have to show my bum to someone who is not a doctor.

Where does she come up with these things! I am afraid what she is going to tell her teacher!

Today was Hali's first day of kindergarten. It was really neat, because the school has the parents stay with their kindergartner for this first day. We got to watch how the teacher interacted with our kiddos and I am really impressed so far with the Hali's teacher.

Here are a couple of pictures of our first Hali's first day!

Hali's very nervous and excited look as we were about to go into her classroom.

Singing her first song as a kindergartner!

Wow! I used to fit at one of these tables!

Hali drawing a picture of herself!

Standing by the calender.... today is August 10th 2009.

Her name outside the classroom!

Hali is definitely related to grandma!
Class only lasted for a couple of hours today. Tomorrow I take her for kindergarten testing at noon. Then she doesn't really start going full time until next Monday.

It feels like just yesterday that I was starting kindergarten with my sister. I can even still remember the name. Mrs. Hill at Syringa Elementary. Wow! Time flies.

Swimming with friends!

I can't believe it had been over two years since I had seen my friend Julie. We met at the Idaho state Junior Miss Pageant between our Jr. and Sr. year in high school. I think we were instantly great friends. As things go,we went our own ways and Julie moved across the country. We have kept in touch (a lot through our blogs!) but have not actually "gotten together" in a long, long time. So, we finally met up with our children at the swimming pool last week. It was so awesome! Somehow we made it through the event without any of the six kids drowning!!

Here are some pics from our adventure!

This is a picture of all of the girls.....

Chloe, Hali, Alexis, and Lily

Here is the whole bunch minus me (I was taking the picture.)
Brigham (3), Chloe (5), Hali (5), Alexis (2), Lily (4), Julie (not telling!), and Cannon (1)

This is the typical Lexi, food in each hand!

Julie and Brigham coming down the slide.
Lily, who also enjoyed all the snacks.

Brigham whom you would never know had open heart surgery 5 weeks ago.

Julie with three of her four.
Cannon, the last of Julie's cuties.

Little Miss Hali who won't ever look at the camera!

Me, Angie, with handsome little Cannon.

Julie with Hali as the photographer.

Me, Angie, with Hali also as the photographer.
We had tons and tons of fun. I hope that Julie feels the same and we can do it again soon!