Monday, August 10, 2009

Hali is officially in Kindergarten!!

I have to start this post out with the funny thing Hali said last night.

Hali had gotten out of the tub and gotten dressed without me putting medicine on her cute little bum cheek (she has eczema). So this is how it went.

Me: Hali come over here I forgot to put medicine on your bum...

Hali: Geese, could this night get any "worser", now I have to show my bum to someone who is not a doctor.

Where does she come up with these things! I am afraid what she is going to tell her teacher!

Today was Hali's first day of kindergarten. It was really neat, because the school has the parents stay with their kindergartner for this first day. We got to watch how the teacher interacted with our kiddos and I am really impressed so far with the Hali's teacher.

Here are a couple of pictures of our first Hali's first day!

Hali's very nervous and excited look as we were about to go into her classroom.

Singing her first song as a kindergartner!

Wow! I used to fit at one of these tables!

Hali drawing a picture of herself!

Standing by the calender.... today is August 10th 2009.

Her name outside the classroom!

Hali is definitely related to grandma!
Class only lasted for a couple of hours today. Tomorrow I take her for kindergarten testing at noon. Then she doesn't really start going full time until next Monday.

It feels like just yesterday that I was starting kindergarten with my sister. I can even still remember the name. Mrs. Hill at Syringa Elementary. Wow! Time flies.

1 comment:

*Sheigh* said...

WOW...Kindergarten. And I am making a big deal about pre-school! LOL Cody starts Pre-School soon and I am not sure I am ready for it! HA HA That is soo awesome that they let the parents go the first day! I would love that to see how the teacher works her classroom! Awesome!