Monday, August 10, 2009

Swimming with friends!

I can't believe it had been over two years since I had seen my friend Julie. We met at the Idaho state Junior Miss Pageant between our Jr. and Sr. year in high school. I think we were instantly great friends. As things go,we went our own ways and Julie moved across the country. We have kept in touch (a lot through our blogs!) but have not actually "gotten together" in a long, long time. So, we finally met up with our children at the swimming pool last week. It was so awesome! Somehow we made it through the event without any of the six kids drowning!!

Here are some pics from our adventure!

This is a picture of all of the girls.....

Chloe, Hali, Alexis, and Lily

Here is the whole bunch minus me (I was taking the picture.)
Brigham (3), Chloe (5), Hali (5), Alexis (2), Lily (4), Julie (not telling!), and Cannon (1)

This is the typical Lexi, food in each hand!

Julie and Brigham coming down the slide.
Lily, who also enjoyed all the snacks.

Brigham whom you would never know had open heart surgery 5 weeks ago.

Julie with three of her four.
Cannon, the last of Julie's cuties.

Little Miss Hali who won't ever look at the camera!

Me, Angie, with handsome little Cannon.

Julie with Hali as the photographer.

Me, Angie, with Hali also as the photographer.
We had tons and tons of fun. I hope that Julie feels the same and we can do it again soon!

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

We had such a blast! My kids have asked almost every day since then when we can go back!

Good thing they started swimming lessons today or I'd be going crazy with the requests!

Thanks for such a fun day...we all really loved it. And seriously? Has it really been 2 years? Hard to believe, especially when we just pick up like we've talked on the phone every week for our whole lives!

Love you.