Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hali's 7th Birthday!

I can't believe Hali is 7 this year. It seems like such a big number! She is definitely not a little girl anymore. She is a BIG first grader and seems to learn something new each and every day. She reads very well and excels at math, and art. Hali is a great child. She can play for hours in her room all by herself. She has even been known to stay up and play when you think she is asleep!! Hali is a great artist and is constantly coloring, making things, or "redecorating" her room. Grandma Kathy insists she will be an interior designer when she grows up! Hali also is very tender hearted like her mommy... poor girl! The other day Lexi was bothering Hali (like always) and Hali came in my room crying to tell me, "Mom Lexi was bugging me and I had to hit her to let go of me, I'm sorry." I totally love this about her, but sometimes I honestly wish she would just be a little tougher. I love this beautiful little girl and am so happy she came into my life when she did!

Hali absolutely loved the movie Tangled and decided that was the theme she wanted for her birthday party.

Cousin hugs are the best!

Hali got a million presents like always, but her favorite was her Rapunzel tower! Alexis was also super excited when Hali opened the tower and started jumping up and down screaming, "WE got the tower, WE got the tower"! Good thing Hali is a good sharer!

Gage was a good big brother and helped put the tower together.
Gage also gave Hali a little walrus. It was so cute because he had told her several weeks ago thats what he was going to get her when we were talking about her birthday. It is hilarious that he remembered this conversation and even found a walrus to give her!

This is a picture of the inside of the Rapunzel tower that Hali took. The girls have been having a ton of fun with this. If you haven't seen the movie Tangled you should, it was really cute.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Alexis' first day of preschool!


Lexi was so excited to start school. Every morning since we took Hali to her fist day Lexi has been asking me when she would go to "her school".
I had a harder time dropping Lexi off to preschool then I did with Hali. I think there is something to the last child syndrome and not wanting them to grow up so fast.
So even though I had a hard time, Lexi had no problem at all. She walked right in and put her backpack and jacket on the hook and took off towards the toys.

As you can tell from the wallpaper in the background the preschool Alexis is going to is a little on the older side... Gage who is 19 actually went here as a preschooler and they obviously have not changed the decor in at least that long.

Lexi's "best friend", Danny got to school shortly after us and they were so excited to see each other. Absolutely Adorable!
Danny is actually the daughter of Mike's best friend from high school Tyson Hunter. I hope these girls stay best friends for a long time!

Me and Lex posing for the camera! It kind seems like just yesterday that I was going to preschool myself.
Alexis being adorable when I asked her to pose for the camera.

UPDATE...... since I am super late posting this blog I will catch you up on Alexis. She did so great for the first couple weeks of school and had no problem being dropped off, but then a couple weeks into school she decided she didn't like being there and wanted to stay home with mom. I of course love the fact that she wants to spend time with me, but we had to fix this. So with lots of talking, I figured out that she was just going through a little hard time with all the changes at home. I have started going to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning and daddy gets her ready and I don't see her until after school.
It only took her another two times at school, before she was fine again. I am so glad children are so resistant to changes. I wish that I could be as resistant as they are. I am also so thankful for all the help that Mike gives and for my great babysitter who loves the girls like they are her own, thanks Jenny!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hali's first day of FIRST grade!

As most mom's are saying this week..... Summer went by way to fast and my babies are growing up faster than I like!
Hali for the last week has been asking when school starts again and has been counting down the days! Grandma 'Net took her shopping for a new "first day of school outfit".
This is what she picked out!
I might be a "little" prejudice, but I think she is the most stinkin' cute first grader ever!! I think she picked out such an adorable outfit for herself.... I will say that I think she picked this out because there was also a doll in Gymboree that was wearing this exact outfit. You can't see her, but that little doll went to school also in her backpack!

The night before school started we were able to take Hali to meet her teacher, Mrs. Montgomery at back to school night. I think this is great the school does this to make the students....O.k. ME, less nervous! Hali was able to find her desk and do a little "treasure hunt" of things in the classroom so she would know right where to go on the first morning.

After we got home we got the girls bathed and in bed as usual and I thought they were both asleep when I heard some music coming from Hal bugs room. I went to check on her and she was awake playing her Nintendo DSI. I told her it was time to go to bed because she had school in the morning. She then gave me the saddest face and laid down. I tried to go back to my room and go to sleep, but I had to go back and snuggle my little girl! I for some reason got all emotional about my Hal Bug starting first grade and that she would be on her own at school all day. I am sure part of it is that I have actually been able to spend some awesome quality time with them the last month. Hali going back to school means that my short month off from school is also over, and my time away from my girls while I am in Texas is coming sooner than I want....yes, I did cry a few tears and dang here they are again as I am typing this :( :(

Back to happier info!! We woke Hali up and brought her into our room to get ready as usual. She was a little reluctant to wake up until we reminded her it was the first day of school. She then happily got ready and sat super still while I combed her hair!

Oh, I did get a small snapshot of her new doll also!

Hali posing outside of school.... Lexi trying to be big and sneak in the picture also~

Me and my girls! What a lucky mom I am!

I love this pic of Hali and her daddy with their ties on!

We were so, so happy Grandma 'Net was also able to join us for Hali's big day!

Hali sitting at her desk for the first time working on her crossword puzzle.... I am sure the teacher hates mom's like me!!

Grandma, Lexi and I picked Hali up after school and she was so excited to tell us about her day!! She had a new "best" friend, but she couldn't remember her name! Although she did say she had a very cute plaid skirt on! That's my girl!! She also said lunch was great and she ate all her chicken nuggets, green beans, chocolate milk, but she forgot to eat her peaches!
LOL.... that is a lot more than she ever eats at home!
I'll admit I was worried about her being in the lunch room "all by herself". That morning she had asked me if I could come eat lunch with her for the first time... Not only did that make me feel bad, but it feels weird to me to have her being "big" enough to go in to the lunch room and eat and then head out to recess on her own..... I know I am a little paranoid and overprotective, but she is my first!

We went to A & W for some ice cream before Grandma headed home and I couldn't help but take a few more pictures!!!

You can tell by the smile on her face that she had an awesome day!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Random Summer pictures 2010

Are these the two most adorable girls ever!!

A little trip to the zoo with cousins at the end of August. The girls enjoyed being shown the elephant tusks.
It is completely impossible to get a good picture of all the kids together!

The girls absolutely love going to the zoo and posing for pictures!

I wish that cute little baby boy was mine! He sure is comfortable in my arms!

Alexis in the back, then Madison, Braeden and Kylee's friend Corey.

Kylee and Alexis... I think they look ALOT alike!

Riding the roller coaster at Brigham City Peach Days!

Cute girls on the choo choo train!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pioneer Day 2010

Pioneer Day, July 24th, is a much bigger holiday in UT than the fourth of July! Some of my classmates were quite amused with this fact!

This holiday happened to fall on a Saturday this year, and the weekend before all my final exams and oral boards. Mike being the awesome dad and husband that I so love woke up early and took the girls and his parents to Snow Basin so I could study. They had an awesome time riding the gondola and checking out all the beautiful wild flowers.
After Mike and the girls got home from Snow Basin we picked Tori up and headed to a Salt Lake Bees game with my mom, sister and her family. We had a great time eating popcorn, peanuts, slushies, hot dogs, ice cream, candy..... and then we sat and enjoyed the fireworks after the game with full stomachs! The fireworks were SUPERB! Probably the best display I have seen in a while!

Notice the picture is of Lexi on the right walking the trail and hunching over because she is "so tired"! Such a drama queen!