Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pioneer Day 2010

Pioneer Day, July 24th, is a much bigger holiday in UT than the fourth of July! Some of my classmates were quite amused with this fact!

This holiday happened to fall on a Saturday this year, and the weekend before all my final exams and oral boards. Mike being the awesome dad and husband that I so love woke up early and took the girls and his parents to Snow Basin so I could study. They had an awesome time riding the gondola and checking out all the beautiful wild flowers.
After Mike and the girls got home from Snow Basin we picked Tori up and headed to a Salt Lake Bees game with my mom, sister and her family. We had a great time eating popcorn, peanuts, slushies, hot dogs, ice cream, candy..... and then we sat and enjoyed the fireworks after the game with full stomachs! The fireworks were SUPERB! Probably the best display I have seen in a while!

Notice the picture is of Lexi on the right walking the trail and hunching over because she is "so tired"! Such a drama queen!

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