Wednesday, August 11, 2010


We had the opportunity to spend the fourth of July weekend at Bear Lake! It was so much fun! My family has spent many Fourth of July Holidays there camping on Rendevous Beach. This year my sister, Steph, got us to rent a condo since she has just had baby Colson two weeks prior! This is definitely my favorite verison of "camping"!
The kids had an awesome timing playing on the beach and the lawn around the condo. Sadly we didn't get to spend much time on the lake because the weather was not the best, but that is nothing new for Bear Lake!
Mike and Gage did get to spend every morning out "catching" fish in grandpas boat.
Brent, my brother also brought his ski boat up for a couple of days so the bigger kids, Tori, Kylee and Gage, had a couple turns on the beautiful blue lake.
Gage stated, "That he had never seen such clear water.... and it was awesome to look below you as you were on the wakeboard and see the sand"!

Unfortunately, I got either the flu or sea sick on Sunday afternoon. I ended up puking over the side of Brent's boat as we were coming in to shore...Thank goodness I was already leaned over the edge throwing the anchor over!! I made it in to the condo and lost it a couple more times before I decided to give in and take half of my "reserve" phenergan I save for such occasions! I slept for a couple hours and then woke up feeling much better and was able to enjoy the fireworks with the kiddos.

There are a lot more pictures from the kids playing on the beach, but Steph has them. So when I am able to get my hands on them I will post them also.

Gage also celebrated the "night before" his 19th birthday while we were here. So the girls and I made him a cake..... Sorry. this is the best picture I could get of the four of them together!
The next day, July 5th, we made it home to clean up and then headed to "really" celebrate Gage's birthday at Texas Roadhouse...Happy Birthday GAGE!

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