Friday, August 6, 2010

Catch up time!

I finished my finals the last week of July!!! I am so happy to have the month of August off before I start clinical rotations. It has been nice to sleep in, hang with my girls and not "have" to open a book!! Amongst our busy routine of my school, kids daycare, and Mike's work we have been able to enjoy a little summer! So here are a few random shots of some of our attempts at relaxing!

Gage, Mike and Grandpa Gary have spent a lot of time catching fish!

Mike "GREW" some hair!

Mike had some nose surgery! (I promise I won't punch him in the nose again!!)

We welcomed a new member to our family!

Me and Colson Brian George Barlow doing a little quality studying together in the hospital!

I gave Colson his first bottle!

Visited with some of our Shuler cousins!

Enjoyed holding baby Colson with Uncle Al!

Ate some good food!

Let our hair fly in the wind!

Played a little soccer with cousins!

Had some sleepovers with our cousins!

Took in a little sunshine at Grandma 'Nets pool!

Enjoyed the sun and our ripstix!

Showed how big we are on our Snow White scooter!

Had some good drugs for a little dental surgery!

And best of all.......
passed out in the car from all the fun!


Jocelyn said...

Whew! I'm so glad you have a minute to breath this summer!

Okay, so we do need to plan a swim day -- it's just figuring out when. Summer is slipping through my fingers and I don't know if there's a day available. We need to get together if we can, though!

I've missed ya!

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Looks like lots of fun going on with your family!

I am SO jealous you get time off!!! While we don't have class these few weeks, we just have to pick up extra clinical hours, which I think is even more exhausting! Let me know how you like your clinicals! Where do you start?

Angie said...

I get to start at ORMC!! I will be there until Jan. I certainly am enjoying my time off!!