Friday, May 28, 2010

Hali's kindergarten graduation May 26th 2010

My little girl is officially a First Grader !!
Hali graduated Kindergarten from Uintah Elementary School on Wednesday May 26th. I was extremely sad and disappointed that I couldn't go to the actual graduation... As most know
I am in anesthesia school. I had a test the same time as Hali's graduation and my
instructors would not allow me to take it a different time. I gave Hali her present
before we both headed off for the day!!

Isn't she the cutest graduate you have ever seen??!!!

We of course had to also add Sadie into the picture.

Then our other cutie also joined. I love all my cute girls!

Hali is in the front row on the middle.

Hali's kindergarten teacher Miss Ashby.
Hali had lots of family here to cheer her on. Grandma Net, Kylee, Grandpa Gary and Grandma Kathy, Aunt Jenny, Nick, Dad (Mike), Tori, Lexi, and even Gage!! What a lucky girl to have such a great family that loves her and supports her!
Mike video taped the program so I could watch it when I got home. It was almost just like I was there, except better, because I had Hali "nugglin" me while I watched it.

1 comment:

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Oh, Angie, those moments are so hard to miss, but you are doing awesome. Keep up the good work. It'll be worth it in the end!