Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lexi's 3rd Birthday!

MARCH 5TH 2010

As always said... "Wow how time flies!"
My baby turned 3 years old on March 5th. She was really fun this year. Starting a couple weeks she had decided that anytime she saw something in the store she would say, "I wan 'tat fo my Birfday"! Who taught her that anyway? Man they get smart way to fast!!
Lexi's birthday was on a Friday this year so we were able to enjoy hanging out with our family. The girls had an awesome time playing with their cousins. Surprisingly Lexi wasn't "dying" to open her presents. Finally around 8:30 I talked her into coming up from the playroom to open her presents.

Of course, once she started she went through them like a lightning bolt!!
She as always got a ton of adorable clothes and toys from Aunts, Uncles, Grandma's, Grandpa's and of course her parents!!

Her favorite present was a Snow White scooter from Grandma 'Net!

Lexi got her biggest birthday present from us a day early, "A BIG GIRL BED!" She was so excited and could hardly wait to get (jump) on it! I do have to say I had very mixed emotions about taking the crib down and placing her in a bed. Number one is that it means she is growing up to fast, and number two.... I was worried she wasn't going to still be a good sleeper.

Well she, as Hali did, climbed in her bed after a story and quietly went to sleep!! Hallelujah, or so I thought. Lexi, unlike Hali, fell out of the bed in the middle of the night and I found her on the floor in between her bed and nightstand crying. I picked her up, and hugged and kissed her for a little and then put her back to bed. She went right back to sleep. I decided that this was just a one time occurrence and put her back in her bed again the next night. Well, I guess my "Mom Instincts" were off and she fell out of the bed twice the next night. So, guess where we went as soon as we got ready that morning???? Babies R Us to buy a set of bed rails! They work amazingly well, obviously, and she loves them. Thank goodness for smart people who invent these type of things!!
So here is a picture of her bed with the rails on and Lexi hugging her favorite cousin Kylee!!

Lexi is currently in love with Snow White, so she of course chose a Snow White cake. I contemplated making it on my own, but decided I was a little time constrained with school and work. I went to Albertson's as I have before... disappointingly it was not decorated as cute as I hoped. I tried to quickly doctor it up a little and It turned out ok.... I do have to give Albertsons a little credit thought because the chocolate cake was delicious.


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