Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another day, another tooth gone!

Hali lost tooth number five a couple weeks ago.... a little slow on the reporting...sorry! She looks so cute with all these missing teeth! This tooth had been loose for quite a while and I, along with Mike, tried everything to let her pull it out. She of course wouldn't let either of us touch it so we sent her to school with it hanging half way out. She actually made it through school and to the babysitter before it fell out. Thanks Tammy for the picture she sent to me on my phone while I was at school!

I had to add this picture in of little miss Hali also. She seems to be constantly sitting like this on the floor. She watches TV like this or sits upside down on the couch with her feet in the air. Yes, my daughter is crazy, but I hope she stays this flexible!


Emily said...

Awww... She is in such a hurry to loose those teeth! I love the yoga pose!

Jen said...

Too cute. I hope you got everything worked out with your babysitting!