Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My baby Girls in their birthday pictures!!

Last Friday I decided to take the girls to get their birthday pictures done. (O.k. Hali's are a little late and Lexi's a little early) Last time I took them was about 15 months ago ( look at the picture of them in the brown dresses on top of my blog!)... it was a nightmare because Alexis wouldn't sit still and Hali wouldn't sit by her sister. Well.... not only have the changed by getting bigger, but they also were very well behaved and loved having their pictures taken. Hali and Lexi actually thought it was great to sit next to each other, and Lexi sat still!! The end result: To dang many cute pictures! I didn't realize how much they are starting to look like each other until I looked at these. I don't know where they get their good looks from! It must be their grandparents!!

1 comment:

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Your girls are adorable! You look great too! I really like to two close up sepia ones of the girls. I hope school is going well!