Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve 2009 in Soda Springs, ID!

The girls and I packed up and headed to my Grandma and Grandpa Shuler's house for New Year's Eve. It was Grandma's 85th birthday so the family decided to have a big celebration. My sister and her children joined us along with my aunts and uncles. The kids had a great time just hanging out with their cousins and performing skits for us all....

Kylee, my almost 11 year old niece, is the best. She is so cute with the kids and really enjoys helping take care of Alexis. This Lexi doing a little dance for us..... Let me explain the outfit! We are still potty training so I'm letting her walk around in her "big girl" panties when were home, and she absolutely loves to wear anyone's shoes. She took this pair of boots right off my feet to wear for this performance. I think this is absolutely adorable!

All the kids ended up with new DSi's for the holidays. They learned how to "picto chat" at Grandma's and had an awesome time sending "messages" (scribbles) back and forth to each other. This is Hali and my nephew Braeden hanging out in Grandma's chair together. Braeden is six months older than Hali. Braeden used to pick on Hali as a little baby, but now they are the best of friends.

My Aunt Karen was born on her mother's, my grandmother's, birthday December 31st.
(p.s. these next pictures were taken by Hali... not to bad!)

We put 85 candles on Grandma's cake. She still has some awesome lungs, because she almost blew them all out in one breath.

Here's a better picture of our 85 candle masterpiece!

Why we were waiting for the count down to midnight Kylee got her nail kit out and did a few manicures..... Uncle Alan was a great sport as always. He even got a little pink heart on his thumbs!! We love "Big Al"!

The little girls sat surprisingly still to get their nails done. This was even Madison's first manicure. Madison was so excited she walked around the rest of the night showing
everyone her "paint"!

We all stayed up untill midnight and celebrated the start of 2010. We have a long tradition of banging pots and pans on Grandma and Grandpas front step for the celebration of New Years at midnight. The kids had a great time making "noise" (and I mean lots of it) to bring in the New Year... I hope we didn't wake up to many of the "senior citizens" around the neighborhood!
We finally all made it to bed around 1:30 in the morning. We had a great time and
surprisingly the little ones were well behaved for being up so late...must be our
great parenting skills. Ha! LOL!

On New Years day we took the kids out for a little sledding. My mom took us out to the middle of nowehere where she used to sled as a child. When we finally got to where we were going I was surprised to see that we actually have more snow in Layton than in Soda Springs. When Hali saw the hill we going to sled on she said, "It looks totally wicked!"
It was a little windy at first, but it stopped quickly and we were able to have an awesome time. Alexis and Hali kept wanting to go down again and again. Thank goodness again for Kylee who has more energy than me and was able to alternate turns with me taking the girls down the hill.

The girls also decided it was great fun to eat the snow.... I promise I told them to stay away from the "yellow" stuff!!

Above is Alexis and below is Hali.

Another picture of Alexis with two handfuls of snow getting ready to go to her mouth.

Here we are hiking up the sledding hill.... Don't we look like three little eskimo's. Yes, I say little for myself also (I am elf size you know!). My mom is in the background heading up the hill with my cousin Mckenna.

This is a cut off picture of my sister with Alexis. I really do need to take some
photography classes! (In my spare time!)

This is Kylee and Hali going down the hill on the sled Kylee got from Santa Claus!

What an awesome way to start the New Year. I have so many resolutions this year I wouldn't know how to start listing them all. All I have to say is I hope I have many, many more fun times like this with my family.
I hope we all have a great 2010!!!


Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Yea for all the updates! We are coming home for spring break- I think from the 11th-18th of March! So I want to hear about how your program is set up. Do you start clinicals this semester? Where do you do them at if you start? We only have one half day of clinical a week this semester! Are you enjoying the program? Well, good luck with this next semester and great job on the last one!

Angie said...

Our spring break is the first week in March. I definitely want to see you when your here. Clinicals don't start until September. We don't set a foot in the hospital until then. I think you made the right choice to go to Florida, except I would really like you here!! We don't know where we will start clinicals at. We should get our assignments by May. As for now for sure it is Texas for 3 months or more... Cheyenne, WY, Blackfoot ID, Evanston WY, Apple Valley CA, ORMC in ogden, Davis hospital for OB, and there are a few surgical centers around UT also. I and others in the class are working on getting other clinical sites at places we have worked in the past. I hope all is going well.