Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning 2009

Lexi awoke, as she did last year, with the camera flash. I definitely have to make this a tradition.
We always wake them up early so my Mom and Dad can see them open their presents and then head to my sisters in time to see her kids open theirs.

After Lexi woke up she quickly ran in and woke Hali before I had a chance to get the camera. So here they are at the top of the stairs waiting to go see if Santa came.

Did he come?

Yes, Santa definitly came. We must have been good after all!

Hali was very excited to get her Stawberry doll. She looks a little sleepy
in this picture though...
I guess it was only 6 am and she got woke up by her sister!

Did Rudolph eat his carrot?

Yes he did! Santa also ate some cookies and drank his milk!

Lexi checking out her new table with sweet streets on it.

Mike went and picked Gage and Tori up about 11:00 and brought them over so they could open their Christmas presents from us. It is definitly harder to pick out stuff for teenager than the little ones. Grandma Kathy also came over at the same time to bring her and Grandpa Gary's gifts. Grandpa stayed home because he got to be sick for his Christmas present.

Tori seemed to be very happy about her gifts though.

Lexi helping Gage open his presents.

We had a wonderful Christmas day and finished out the night with my family coming over for dinner. We then had another round of opening presents and another round of cleaning up... what a day! Merry Christmas!

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