Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tree Decorating 2009

We went into Old Navy a few days before Thanksgiving and Hali just had to have her picture taken by this Old Navy "tree". From this moment on she couldn't stop bugging me about when we would be putting our tree up! I convinced her to wait until after Thanksgiving!

Friday morning after Thanksgiving I was sleeping comfortably when Hali came in and said, "It's after Thanksgiving we can put the tree up now!" I of course, half asleep, replied, "Let's wait until Daddy gets home." So, being the good mom that I am, I fell back asleep! I was then awoken again with Hali telling me she had got the ornaments out and wanted to know if I would bring the tree upstairs. OK so I got up and went to decorating the Christmas tree.

As you can see, the girls are in their pajamas decorating the tree.

Lexi only broke one of the ornaments while we were decorating.... Although Mike has
glued at least 4 back together since!

I couldn't get the girls to stand still long enough to get a picture of the two of them together. Sorry this is the best you get!

Hali was very proud of the tree she decorated. I do have to say she did an excellent job! I put the ribbon on along with the Angel on top and the girls did most of the rest. Maybe next year I can sit back drinking egg nog while they do it all!!

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