Sunday, December 20, 2009

Halloween 2009...a little late!

As everyone knows I have been a little busy lately and am a little behind on my
blogging so we are playing catch up!

Halloween 2009 was exceptionally fun! Both the girls were old enough to understand what was going on and had a great time. Hali insisted on being Bat Girl because she thought her
cousin Braeden was going to be Batman (he decided to be a power ranger last minute).
Lexi wore Hali's old Jo Jo costume that I had saved. They both looked adorable, as always!

The Friday night before Halloween we went to Hali's school carnival with
my sister and her family.

My sister and her children joined us for that and then came to our house after to do a little pumpkin carving. The kids had a blast and amazingly didn't make a huge mess.

My niece, Kylee, working hard at her masterpiece!

On Halloween we headed to my sister's house as we do every year and went trick or treating at the mall.

Before we headed "outside" trick or treating we ate a festive Halloween meal at Stephanie's house.

We enjoy trick or treating in her neighborhood, because she knows all of her neighbors well. The girls also love being able to spend time with their cousins and grandma.It was a great Halloween and the girls had a wonderful time and got way to much candy as always!

Lexi got tired of her hat at the end of the night and she said, "Mommy you wear it!"

What a long but fun day we had!

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