Friday, December 18, 2009

Hali's 6th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little Hali who is the joy of our life!

Hali as always gets very excited for her birthday. One "advantage" of a December birthday is there is an advent calendar hung to help you count down for your birthday. Every morning Hali moved the little santa over to the next day and informed me how many more days until her birthday!
Dec 15th finally came and Hali could not wait to take treats to school to share with her classmates. (I still think this is backwards, shouldn't they give her a treat?) After school I took her to the mall and she picked out a green dress to wear. She had to have the green dress because it "matched" her eyes!! She defiantly looked like a birthday princess in it! I can't believe she is six already. It was just six short years ago that I got the best "early" Christmas present ever!

I love you Hali Annette Salerno I am so thankful you were born!

Doesn't she look beautiful in her "green" dress? Check out the yellow sticky leaves on the fireplace behind her. Hali made a trail from the front door to her "spot" with these so her guests could find her!

Hali decided about a day before her birthday that she wanted a Nintendo DSi (her big sister has one). So, after a little consideration on whether she was old enough for one or not I headed to the store with the girl in tow. I did a really good job buying it without her noticing by whispering a few things to the cashier. I then went over and gave the receipt to the lady behind the counter who also was kind and placed it in my sac without the girls noticing. Well, I guess I am not very observant because I wrapped it without noticing it wasn't the DSi it was the DS. Hali opened and said, "Yea, a Nintendo DS." I said, "No it's the DSi" Hali replied. Yes, my six year old is smarter than me! So thanks to Grandma we were able to take it back that night and trade it for the right one. Remember how I said I wasn't sure if she was old enough to figure out how to play it..... She hasn't stopped playing with it since.

Hali decided a little while ago that she wanted an American Girl doll. My niece Kylee has had one of these for a couple of years so of course Hali decided she wanted one. Hali loves to look through the magazines at all the dolls. This year Rebecca is a new addition to the American Girl collection and once Hali saw her she had to have her....She said, "Rebecca has green (hazel) eyes, and brown hair just like me." Grandma was very excited to get this present for Hali, and as you can tell Hali was very excited to receive it!

Rebecca is another thing Hali hasn't let go of since her birthday!

I seriously have more fun watching my girls
open their presents more than I ever did opening my own!

My niece, Kylee, went to the store and used her own money
to buy Hali a present. She got her some earrings, candy and 4 quarters. She also made her a card. How stinkin' cute is that! Aren't cousins great?

I have to add this picture of our little trouble maker, Lexi, in. She thinks she needs
to constantly torture our poor little dog, Sadie. I think Lexi believes she is her own personal toy. The only way we can get her to leave her alone is to tell her we will give Sadie away if
she doesn't leave her alone!

Another year another princess cake!

I wonder how long she will keep giving me these sweet kisses?

Hali with all her "loot"!

Kylee reading Hali's American Girl book to her. Isn't this sweet?

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

What an awesome haul!!!!

I can still remember talking on the phone when Hali was born and thinking how amazing it was that we were having little girls so close together. So glad!

She is a doll.