Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hogle Zoo...Sept 26, 2009

Another late addition to the blog.

Mike and I decided to take the girls to the zoo during one of my study breaks. I forgot my "real" camera so the quality of the pictures are not superb. I will say thank goodness for the i phone though!
The zoo had a new baby elephant that was adorable to watch. I think Lexi would have stayed and watched it forever if we would have let her. Hali talked me in to going into the reptile area,(I usually avoid this part of the zoo, because I really don't care for the "creepy crawly" things.) and even though the girls think the snakes are cool, I wonder why God created them!
It's crazy that I now buy a yearly pass to the zoo, when it was a big adventure to come here even once when I was little!

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