Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

Twas' the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse...... Ok not until about 11 pm!

We went to dinner at Rodizio Grill at Trolley Square for dinner. It was yummy and I thoroughly enjoyed not having to cook or clean up dishes. The kids had a great time and we were able to get a fairly decent picture of them all together for the first time in a long time!

From left to right:
Braeden Barlow (6), Gage Salerno (18), Hali Salerno (6), Tori Salerno (13) , Alexis Salerno (2), Madison Barlow (2) and Kylee Barlow (10).

Me and my little comedian Alexis. She is having a ball with the olives!

Our two blondies Tori and Kylee.

The girls with Pa Pa Steve, my dad.

All the little ones opening their Christmas Eve present from Grandma Net.

Hali being her cute little self!

Hali and Lexi opening their Christmas Eve jammies from Mom and Dad.

Hali and Lexi love having books read to them. They both got a new Christmas book with their jammies. We read them both before they headed upstairs to go to bed to wait for Santa.

Goodnight everyone, have sweet dreams!
Lexi went to bed and fell asleep immediately as always. Hali climbed into bed and asked me to turn on her Christmas music so she could, "Have visions of sugar plums dancing in her head!" A few minutes later Hali came out of her room to go to the bathroom and she had on her strawberry hat that is usually a decoration in her room. We asked why she was wearing it and she said, "Cause..... I in my kerchief and ma in her cap."
Defiantly a great Christmas Eve!

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