Friday, May 28, 2010

Hali's kindergarten graduation May 26th 2010

My little girl is officially a First Grader !!
Hali graduated Kindergarten from Uintah Elementary School on Wednesday May 26th. I was extremely sad and disappointed that I couldn't go to the actual graduation... As most know
I am in anesthesia school. I had a test the same time as Hali's graduation and my
instructors would not allow me to take it a different time. I gave Hali her present
before we both headed off for the day!!

Isn't she the cutest graduate you have ever seen??!!!

We of course had to also add Sadie into the picture.

Then our other cutie also joined. I love all my cute girls!

Hali is in the front row on the middle.

Hali's kindergarten teacher Miss Ashby.
Hali had lots of family here to cheer her on. Grandma Net, Kylee, Grandpa Gary and Grandma Kathy, Aunt Jenny, Nick, Dad (Mike), Tori, Lexi, and even Gage!! What a lucky girl to have such a great family that loves her and supports her!
Mike video taped the program so I could watch it when I got home. It was almost just like I was there, except better, because I had Hali "nugglin" me while I watched it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

easter egg colors

Stephs crew and my crew decided to get together at my house to dye easter eggs this year. The older girls had a good time drawing on their eggs.

Easter morning 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

On Friday before Easter our good friends had an easter egg hunt inside their house for the kids. It was awesome! Especially since it had decided to snow that day and I was not about to go egg hunting in the snow on Saturday!!

This is such a cute picture of Tori and Hali sharing a sister moment!

This is Marie explaining to all the little ones how to find the easter eggs!!

Look how cute and patient these kids are sitting!
Ready set go!!!

5th Anniversary

I can't believe it has been five years since we got married!! TIme flies through the good and bad! I am so blessed and lucky to have married Michael Salerno on April 16th 2005!! Mike asked me to marry him at the melting pot in SLC so we decided this would be a great place to eat for our anniversary. For those of you who have not been there... it is a MUST!!
After dinner we went out with some friends and then spent the night in SLC. The next morning we got up and went up the canyon for a delicious breakfast, and then headed home to get our girls from grandma and grandpa's
It was a wonderful well needed night out!


On Sunday Mike decided to take the girls for a little fishing trip so I could study.... Then I decided to go along and sit with my books and enjoy the sunshine also. I am so glad I did. The girls had so much fun and I had an awesome time reading and watching them catch their fish!

My girls are so blessed to have such an awesome dad that is so loving and patient enough to take his little girls fishing!

There it is "WIGGLY". This is the first fish the girls had the chance to reel in. Hali named him Wiggly because of how he wiggled on the ground after he was caught.

Lexi was super interested in watching dad "cut tout te guts".