This was our project for today! The girls new swing set. It definitely was a project to put together. It took over three hours to get done. Good thing Mike is smart about putting things together or we might have been working until midnight!

As you can tell the girls LOVE it! I had to carry Alexis inside kicking and screaming, "no swing, no swing" at 8:00 for bed she. As for Hali she was a little "freaked out" (in her own words) about going up the ladder and down the slide. She also told me that she really wanted to go up, but her "legs" have a mind of their own! So Mike carried her up and made her go down. Hali then realized it wasn't so bad after all and wouldn't stop going up and down the slide!!! I said to her, "See it wasn't so scary." and Hali then replied, "Ya, my legs changed their mind!" The things this girl says totally cracks me up!

Here she is running around to go back down the slide! A great picture of those legs that have a mind of their own!

Speaking of things she says..... She was just trying to get on my bed and hit her knee. She said, "Mom I told you it wasn't a good idea to get a bed like this" HILARIOUS!!
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