Thursday, March 26, 2009

Every once in a while you get a suprise!

Yesterday as we were getting ready for preschool I asked Hali to go pick up her room. She of course asked,

"Mom can you help?"

I replied, "No that I had to hurry and put my makeup on so I could get her to school on time."

Now let me tell you that normally she would reply with, "But, my arms are to tired, or I'm not big enough." So I fully expected her to go in her room and just play. I finished getting ready and then went in to Hali's room to get her some shoes and this is what I found!

She had not only picked up her toys and dress up clothes, but she had made her bed! Pretty impressive on how well she did. She even got all the pillows right (not even Mike can always do that!)
So thanks to my BIG GIRL for being such a good helper and obeying Mommy!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy BELATED Valentines Day

I was going through my blog and realized that I had totally forgotten to post any Valentines Day info. So here it is late, but still sweet!



This is the cookie basket Grandma sent us. It isn't it cute!

Hali enjoying her very large heart cookie

Alexis enjoying her very large cookie

So Happy "late" Valentines to all! I do have an excuse for not many pics and this being late..... I worked the night before and the night of Valentine's. (Ya, I know.... cry me a river!)

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Potty Dance!


Lexi got a potty chair for her birthday and last week I decided to get it out.... what was I thinking? I forgot how much easier diapers are.
Lexi immediately got excited and sat on the potty chair without a problem and went potty. I thought to myself that this is going to be way to easy. Well, I thought wrong. She does great as long as I let her run around the house naked as a jaybird. She goes in and sits down and does her thing, but if I put on panties or a pull-up on she totally forgets what the potty is about. I guess I should just let her be naked for the next few months... I am sure everyone will understand when I take her to Target without any clothes on!!!
The cutest little bum ever!

I will keep you posted on the progress... Someday I will be able to say, "no more diapers!"


In the last few days Hali has lost her two bottom teeth. They have been loose since we got home from vacation. Grandpa Gary and Dad have been trying to let get her to let them pull them out..... the obvious answer to that was "no way"! Sunday Mike and I were watching a movie in the basement when Hali came down and said,

"It fell out!"

Me and Mike, obviously into the Batman movie said, "what fell out?"

Hali said, "my tooth, it just fell out while I was eating my cookie and watching Noggin."


She was so excited, and then we reminded her that the tooth fairy would be coming and she couldn't wait for bedtime. We asked her how much money she thought the tooth fairy would bring and she said, "Two dollars."

That night we put her tiny little tooth in a baggy and put it under her pillow. The next morning she came running into my room to tell me that the tooth fairy had brought not only two dollars, but she had "brought five bucks!" Wow those five one dollar bills look like a lot of money to a five year old.

The next tooth came out.... well, I am not sure when. As Hali was laying in bed next to me on Wednesday morning I noticed that the second bottom tooth was gone. I asked her if she had lost her other tooth and she said no. I told her to look in the mirror and she said, "Oh yea, there are two pink spots there now!" I went and searched her bed and the floor around it and couldn't find it anywhere.... hmm.


Well that night the tooth fairy still made it and brought another 'five bucks'. So "she" must have found it somewhere!!

I think she looks cute without her teeth, but today she was looking in the mirror (which is done quite frequently at our house) and she said, "mom do I look funny without my teeth?" I replied of course not your beautiful, but if she had asked me about her outfit.... I would have said yes! She had on one of her "princess" outfits on. This consisted of a nightgown, black "high heels" (aka: church shoes), a pink heart headband, a princess crown, a bracelet on each ankle with balloons tied to them, a white fluffy skirt, along with several of my rings and bracelets on. So no Hali you do not look "funny" without teeth!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Alexis' 2nd Birthday!!


I can't believe how fast time flies. Especially after looking back at Alexis two years ago. Why do they have to grow so fast?
Lexi took a great 3 hour nap in the afternoon so she was extremely happy for her party! Although she is still obstinate... definitely takes after her daddy there!

We ate a little pizza and salad before we opened presents. Although Hali thought we should eat the cake first .... She is my kind of girl!

Minnie Mouse is one of her favorite character so we did a Minnie Mouse party. I didn't make the cake..... I thought about it, but I worked the night before so I went the easy way and went to Baskin Robins and it was a YUMMY cake!

Alexis was so cute opening her presents. She knew exactly what to do. She would go pick a present from the pile and sit in the middle of the floor or on her daddy's lap and open them. Again, she is so big and way to grown up already.

To remember back two years ago.... Alexis was born on March 5, 2007 at 1229 in the morning. She weighed in at 6lbs 6.9 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. So beautiful and tiny and also with a lot of hair!! I am so thankful for her and the perfect little girl that she is. I hope she grows into a great person one day! I love you Alexis Morgan Salerno.

Vacation Heaven!

Mike decided that for our Christmas present we needed to go on a cruise together.... We decided to do the Mexican Riviera. Mikes brother Scott also decided to come along and party with us, and he brought his friend Chris. Yes, it was me and three guys. How lucky am I?

We left on February 21st and returned on Feb 28th. We had a lot of fun and I got a lot of sleep in... Yea 7 nights of sleeping at night!

We left out of Long Beach and sailed down on the Norweigan Star to Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, and Puerta Vallarta. The weather was wonderful in Mexico it was around 85 degrees. Such a nice break from the dreary Utah winter. To bad we had to come back, although I was definitely missing my girls. Thanks to Gary and Kathy for watching them for a whole week. They are the best in-laws a girls could ask for!!

Here are some highlights from our trip. Mike definately enjoyed using his Christmas present... his new camera!

This is me me waiting for Jet Blue to open so we can start our vacation.

Me and Mike outside on the balcony before a Sushi dinner!

Our Sushi boat that we ate all this plus more!!! It was awesome!

Mike with his "small" party hat.

Do I need a tan or what?

Lovers beach in Cabo San Lucas

The boys waiting to get off the ship in Mazatlan.

On the shore in Puerta Vallarta

Ye Haw!! The carousel bar on the ship.

The last night on the ship!

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

I unlike my twin sister didn't mind this birthday at all. So I will say it out loud...I turned the big 30 on February 17th! After all I believe age is only a state of mind, and there are still alot of people older than me (especially my twin who I now get to say I am younger than! For years she has made it a point to be the "older" sister, now I am the "younger" sister.... HA!) LOL Steph!

The day was nice and relaxing. Steph and I went with our mom shopping for ourselves which rarely happens. Usually when I go to the mall I spend most of my time shopping for my girls. I got lots of cute clothes thanks to my mom!!!

We then all met at Olive Garden for dinner with our husbands and kids. After dinner we went to Steph's house and had dessert! Mom made my all time favorite, strawberry shortcake, and Steph got a chocolate peanut butter dessert..... YUMMY! Mom is the best cook!

So here is to being 30!!!