Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009!

Thanksgiving 2009 in Utah! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I enjoyed having 5 days off of school (although I spent the whole weekend writing a paper and studying)! On Thanksgiving morning my wonderful husband and stepson drove to Logan to pick up my grandparents and bring them down for dinner at my mom's house. He volunteered to do this on his own by the way! We then met them for dinner at my mom's and had a wonderful time eating to much food!
The kids had an amazing time as you can see in the pictures. Hali actually asked the other day, "Can we spend the whole day at Grandma's on Christmas like we did on Thanksgiving?" Defiantly one of the cutest things ever said. It made be thankful for the memories my children are able to make with their grandparents as I did with mine.
I am truly thankful for everything in my life. I appreciate my children and husband more as I am not able to spend as much time with them as I would like. I am so thankful that they are happy and healthy. I am so very thankful for the opportunity I have to be in CRNA school and am so thankful to everyone who has helped me out with my girls. I couldn't be doing any of this without all of you! I can't wait until thanksgiving two years from now when I will be a month away from graduation!!

My brother Brent with my almost 87 year old grandpa George!

Me and Lexi waiting to eat!

My family... all except Tori (she was in Arizona with her mom)!

The main course!

My hubby Mike and his son Gage.

My sister's little girl Madison.

My mom with her parents.

Kylee playing horse with Alexis.

Hali and Alexis attacking Kylee.

Playing the Wii with Uncle Brent.

Braeden attacking our cousin Taylor!

Me Steph and our little ones!

Travis' addition to the thanksgiving table.

This one's for you Steph!

1 comment:

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Yeah, you updated! How did your semester go? Enjoy the break!